Major John Cheyne Davidson
Name/Rank: Major John Cheyne Davidson, Chaplain Battalions: 93rd, 3rd Canadian Stationary Hospital Born/Current Town: Newboro, Ontario/...
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November 27, 1917
That sig. On envelope is a work of art Dear Mother and Father, Just a very short note with my left hand so pardon the writing and the...
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July 8, 1917
Dear Jack, Received your letter OK and sure am glad to hear from you. I received the tobacco and pipes all right also cigarettes and...
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June 11, 1917
Dear Mother & Father, Glad to hear that you are all feeling well and fit. Received your letters of April 29th and May 6th also the big...
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May 23, 1917
Dear Mother & Father, Well tomorrow is the 24th and we can have a real celebration if we want to start something but the last holiday was...
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May 18, 1917
Dear Mother & Father, Well today is another bright sun shiny day. Just had an inspection and the men all turned out fine after a pretty...
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May 12, 1917
Dear Mother & Father, This is about the fourth letter I have started to write this week but have not been able to post. Received your...
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April 18, 1917
Dear Mother & Father, Received your letters, also the apples for which I thank you. Hope you received my two cables. I also received my...
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January 2, 1917
Dear Mother and Father, Just a few lines to let you know that I am in the best of health. Hope you are receiving my letters regularly....
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December 25, 1916
Dear Mother & Father, Well today is Christmas and it is fine and cold with not a terrible lot of mud, although last night rain simply...
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