March 14, 1918
Dear Mar, There is nothing to write home about happening here but here goes a letter about it anyway. Am able to break the monotony of...
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February 28, 1918
Dear Mother and Father, Received a couple of letters this morning and yours of Jan. 27th Mother. Am sorry to hear that you have not had...
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February 24, 1918
Dear Mother and Father, Well here goes a try at writing. I have been scribbling for a couple of days and this is the result. I do hope,...
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August 25, 1917
Dear Mother & Father, Well this is the third day of my leave. Am waiting in London for a couple of days in order to get some badly needed...
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October 11, 1916
Dear Mother & Father, Well I have had a streak of luck today. A letter from home and a letter from Agnes. Those snaps of the girls are...
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October 7, 1916
Dear Mother & Father, As you see I am attached to the 39th Battn. at West Sandling Camp. The battalion received its final smash yesterday...
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September 26, 1916
Otterpool Camp Dear Father, Well I received your letter of the 10th with the card which I am filling out and sending to you. I am pretty...
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September 22, 1916
Dear Mother & Father, Well you will be wondering why you haven’t heard from me before. The fact of the matter is we are just out of about...
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September 12, 1916
Dear Margaret, I just received the lovely pair of socks you and mother knit and sent me. I just marched in from Lydd about a distance of...
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September 13, 1916
Dear Mother & Father Well I hope you are all well as we are here. Got in from Lydd about three o’clock, dusty and with my feet a little...
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