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February 28, 1918

Dear Mother and Father,

Received a couple of letters this morning and yours of Jan. 27th Mother. Am sorry to hear that you have not had word from me for such a long time. As I am able to scratch a few lines not I am able to write oftener.

Hope the weather over there has moderated a little. It won’t be long now until spring and better times. All I do here is sit and think of the time when I will be home with you all again.

Am sorry to hear of the big fire and that Mr. Neill will suffer. It is a wonder that it was ever checked in such cold weather.

Have not heard of Herbert Dixon for some time. Am going to try and get a couple of lines to him. I am glad to hear that he is out of the Infantry that his days may be longer in the land at the present state of affairs at the great war.

Expect to get my kit today and then I will be able to get up and abroad. Am feeling my old self again. My wounds are very nearly dry but my right arm is of course still stiff. I can only use the hand but it will come around in time. You know it wouldn’t do to be too well or I’d never get home.

Glad to hear that M. Dunsford is on his way back I will try and get a medical brand soon.

Well I hope you are feeling better Mother and taking good care of yourself. Mar says you are nearly snowed in over there. Love and kisses.

Your son,



In this letter you can tell that Vincent is seeing the finish line as he is so close to going home after about a year and a half away. At this time the war is still being waged, but it is coming to a close in about 8 and a half months, a hundred years ago from when this post is written. November 11, 1918, at the 11th hour, the War to end all Wars was concluded. Many brave soldiers gave their lives in those battles in far away Europe, and have been since that day all over the world for our freedoms, to give us the lives we have been accustomed to here in Canada. On this day of Remembrance I feel it fitting to continue on Vincent's journey, as he was one of the lucky ones that was able to return home to his family.

Field of Poppies

Picture taken from here.

While thinking about all of the letters that he has written, I reflect on how he addressed the deaths of his friends and comrades through his letters home. His words always were a match of sorrow for what was lost, but also a pride in that his friends, people he has known and grown up with, gave their lives to something bigger then themselves. For their country and all of the people that they loved back home. That is what I am thinking on while writing this post and how I am thankful, and proud, of everyone who has given within our armed forces to keep us safe. Transcribing these letters have made sure that I think about those sacrifices not only on November 11, but throughout the whole year.

Now, on to the letter above. There isn't much to talk in great depth about, but you can tell his eagerness to come home and be with his family again. He mentions a couple of names of fellow comrades. M. Dunsford I believe to be Martin Dunsford which I think has been mentioned in the letters before. The other name, which I think has popped up in the letters before as well is Herbert Dixon, who I believe to be this man. Though Vincent talks about Herbert being out of danger by leaving the Infantry, if I am correct on the files I have picked, Herbert is killed in Action on September 17th, 1918. Both of these man lived in Peterborough.

The letter as always can be found below. Please let me know if I missed anything or if there is anything to add.

Thank you all again for going through this journey with me, and on this day, and every day of the year, keep our armed forces of past and present in your thoughts.

Michael Ritchie


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