LT. Richard Phylis Adrian Crisp
Name/Rank: Lieutenant Richard Phylis Adrian Crisp Battalions: 93rd, 39th, 6th Reserve (Air Force) Born/Current Town: Manchester, England/...
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March 14, 1918
Dear Mar, There is nothing to write home about happening here but here goes a letter about it anyway. Am able to break the monotony of...
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February 24, 1918
Dear Mother and Father, Well here goes a try at writing. I have been scribbling for a couple of days and this is the result. I do hope,...
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February 3, 1918
No1 Red Cross Hospital Duchess of Westminster APO S79 B.E.F. France 3/2/18 Dear Margaret, I have received your letters regularly, the...
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January 30, 1918
No 1 Red Cross D. of W. Hospital A. P. O. 5.79 B. E. 7, France Jan 30, 18 Dear Mother & Father, I received your cable of the 27th O.K.,...
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November 27, 1917
That sig. On envelope is a work of art Dear Mother and Father, Just a very short note with my left hand so pardon the writing and the...
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